Negro Folk Rhymes Wise & Otherwise - online book

A detailed study of Negro folk music, includes lyrics & sheet music samples.

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to use a classification which lends itself more easily to a discussion of the origin and evolution of Negro Rhyme. The basic principle used in this classifica­tion is Origin and under each source of origin is placed the various classes of Rhymes produced. It has seemed to the writer, who is himself a Negro, and has spent his early years in the midst of the Rhymes and witnessed their making, that there are three great divisions derived from three great main­springs or sources.
The Divisions are as follows:
I.   Rhymes derived from the Social Instinct.
II.   Rhymes derived from the Homing Instinct.
III.   Rhymes of Psycho-composite origin.
The terms Social and Homing Instincts are familiar to every one, but the term Psycho-composite was coined by the writer after much hesitation and with much regret because he seemed unable to find a wTord which would express what he had in mind.
To make clear: the classes of Rhymes falling un­der Divisions I and II owe their crudest initial be­ginnings to instinct, while those under Division III owe their crudest beginnings partly to instinct, but partly also to intelligent thinking processes. To illustrate—Courtship Rhymes come under Division II, because courtship primarily arises from the hom-